Qualifications for Teaching ISKCON Disciples Course
Teachers Qualifications
Teachers of the official ISKCON IDC are required to have been secondinitiated for at least 5 years and completed the following courses:
- ISKCON Disciples Course
- VTE TTC1 (or have equivalent training or experience)*(TTC2 is highly recommended but not compulsory)
- Recommended by one’s ISKCON DiscipleCourse facilitator
- Co- facilitated ISKCON Disciples Course (Recommended)
- Have the approval of their local GBC representative
- Teach from the official curriculum and other materials as approved by the GBC Guru Services Committee
(From G.BC. Resolution March 2014)
Online IDC graduates are not eligible to teach IDC on site campus courses. Potential teachers of IDC must attend, in person, an on site campus course.
In the case where there may be a dispute over the authorization of a teacher the issue should be addressed and decision made by the regional GBC body.
Teachers with the above qualifications IDC should register with the IDC Secretariat upon which they will be issued with an official IDC Teachers Certificate. Contact:idcsecretariate@gmail.com
Exemption for TTC1
“An exemption for the requirement of the TTC1 may be granted by the local GBC Zonal Secretary based upon an assessment of the potential teacher’s maturity, teaching skills, and experience. The Mayapura Institute shall provide to the GBC a list of criteria by which such evaluations should be made.”
(From G.BC. Resolution March 2014)
The following list states the criteria upon which the above exemption may be made:
Spiritual Qualifications:
- Mature understanding and application of Krsna consciousness philosophy
Teachers Qualification:
- A degree in Teaching for High School level or older.
- One-year minimum experience in teaching full-time professionally in a public or private educational institution for students 15 years or older.
- Certification as a professional trainer by an independent institute with emphasis on interactive teaching skills and at least 200 hours experience in an adult classroom.
- Have taught ISKCON VTE, or similar interactive courses, within ISKCON for minimum 300 hours.
Practical Teaching Skills:
- Basic communication&facilitation skills
- Ability to facilitate whole class discussions, group exercises & experiential learning.
- Reflective listening skills
- Interpersonal skills (non-judgmental behavior &willingness to listen and value others’ opinions).
- Time management and classroom resource management skills
Additional Qualifications:
Approval of the local Temple President