Lesson 11 Guru-tyaga (Rejection of the Spiritual master)
To help students deal with:
- problems in their relationship with the guru
- criticism of the guru or rumors (whether true or false)
- the guru’s encounter with spiritual difficulties
- fall down of guru
By the end of the lesson students should be able to:
- Explain the concepts of:
- philosophical or institutional deviation,
- spiritual fall down of the guru.
- Explain, in their own words, the principles of guru-tyaga and re-initiation.
- Discuss different levels of guru-tyaga.
- Differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate, and explain the correct procedures for:
- lodging complaints in relation to their guru
- guru-tyaga
- re-initiation
- Identify ways the disciple establishes a connection to Srila Prabhupada, the guru-paramparä and ISKCON in addition to their connection through diksha.
- Discuss the appropriate attitude for continuing to practice devotion service, in ISKCON, in the case of rejection of the guru.
- Give appropriate reference to the teachings of Srila Prabhupada, the broader Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition.